Category : Review

A Bluetooth keyboard for the Zaxcom Nova

Rotary knobs suck for entering text. I got pretty fast at using Zaxcom's on-screen keyboard on my Nomad (and now, my Nova), but it's not the same as a real keyboard. I have developed the very specific skill of being able to simultaneously walk quickly and write scene notes or track names on my recorder as we hustle ...



The Shotgun Shootout: Schoeps CMIT & SuperCMIT, Sanken CS-3e, & Sennheiser MKH-60

For ages, I’ve been frustrated by the lack of real-world information about the very expensive tools we use. Before I got into sound, I used to do reviews of computer hardware, and it was unthinkable to me that I would make a purchase without knowing what I was buying. In film sound ... there just aren’t very many ...